Thunder Bay – Sunday

Big Dig today

Someone blew a tire

Looks like an ad for Labatt Blue,  Drink responsibly.  Sure thing.  This drinker just tossed the empty can on the ground.   Not getting a high “responsibility” vibe here. The fact that this can could have been tossed out of the window of a moving car, well, makes me lean, opinion-wise, in the direction that the person who emptied this can of beer is an irresponsible POS.

Morning sky photo


New plan for the Pool 6 fence.  Lets see how long this lasts.

Great Blue Heron just observing the world on a Sunday morning.

Watching the duck. I wonder what herons call other birds?  What is their word for “duck”?  For “goose”?  For “humans”?

Last day for the theatre thing in Marina Park.

Left but not forgotten. It is now a plaything for the wind.

You can try and disguise it but in the end, its still trash.  Still should have been deposited in the nearest trash can, which there are plenty.


Interesting cloud thing going on.

Looks ominous.


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