Thunder Bay – Thursday

Big Dig today

Lots of stuff.

Morning sky photo

I found one of these still blooming.

Instead of throwing this  into a trash can, several which are near by, it was decided that simply setting it down in the parking lot is good enough.  When was it that this behaviour became OK?  At what point did people get that lazy that walking across a parking lot to put your trash in the proper receptacle is too much work?

Well balanced.

Whoever decided to install this geogrid all around the park was/is an idiot.  Much of it has been removed. What’s left looks like crap (viewing circle at the end of Pier 2).

We paid for it.

This rose was a single flash of red in a sea of green.

Great Blue Heron

Looking for colour anywhere I can find it.

Put it up…take it down…put it up…take it down…put it up…take it down…


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