Thunder Bay – Sunday

Looking for colour wherever I can find it

See any recyclables in there?  It doesn’t matter because this is all ending up in the landfill site.

A White Claw and a smoke.

What’s with all the discarded apples around this city? Doesn’t anyone know just how much these things cost?

Morning sky photo

Took a couple of photos of this boat

MV Federal Sakura

A very big moth.

Trash in context.  Could have dropped it off in one of the many trash cans located around the park WHICH the person who left this HAD to walk past to get out of the park. But noooooo.

Trash left over from the Festival of India yesterday.  The gulls got into it.  Why was it left overnight?  Every other can was emptied. Just not this one.

Cold mist rolled in

What is used to cook all that food.

Mask photo

Trash in context

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