Thunder Bay – Thursday

Pride month?  Pride in what exactly?  Not this crosswalk.  I remember when getting this installed was a big deal back in 2020.  Turned out to be crap.  Why were there gaps between colour bands?  Why has it not been maintained?  Like with everything in this city, maintenance is considered to be a waste of cash rather than an investment.  Why maintain when you can just get the Feds and Queens Park to give you more money to build new?

Seriously?  This is as good as it gets in this city? Disgusting.

Some colour on a grey overcast day.

Tried a sky replacement.  Nothing too outrageous.

This can is in for a ruse awakening soon.

Morning sky today

American Goldfinch. Some much needed preening.

Yes, that is a whole tree.  Roots and all.

I can remember when this product did not exist.  Now you see them laying around everywhere.

MV Narie

Tough to find food in all of that

Sleeping with one eye open

European Starling. Quite something in the sunshine.  I think the term is iridescent.

Couple of male Mallards cruising the strip.

A rare morning when the lighthouse is clear.

A person would never know that this area of the sidewalk was removed and replaced to accommodate the installation of fibre optic cable. The repair is virtually invisible.

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