Thunder Bay – Monday

Lilacs are now blooming

Nice view but not much protection from the elements.

Big Dig today. Rained some last night.

Looks like the butts have made a run for it.   Yellow bagger was here.

There was some colour in the sky but only in the east.

Morning sky photo

Looks like there was a fire here yesterday. Was not like this when I walked by in the morning.

Ooooo, another pole is still burning.  Looks like we may have an arsonist amongst us.  Either that or the animals have discovered fire.  This reminds me of the pole fire I came across before. There are five poles in this stretch of the old Pool 6 road. Three have now burned.  Spontaneous combustion?  Can’t see how.

Flames out but still smoldering. TBFR were on the scene and dowsed the pole putting out what was still burning.

I wonder if these would make a nice addition to someone’s wardrobe?  For someone who like rocking a vest, this might be for you.  I’m looking at you  Steven Del Duca.

Staying close to mom or a goose that is identifying as a mom.

That is where the colour was this morning.

Watching me like a, well, like a goose. Sleeping with one eye open.

Every morning a white City of Thunder Bay van drive to the Festival Area toilet facilities.  Drives up on the sidewalk and the grass. Every day.

The person drives up to the building, goes into the building. A few minutes later, the person leaves the building, gets into the truck and drives away…on the grass. Does not carry anything into the building. Does not carry anything out of the building. At least nothing that I can see.  The thing is that this person is killing the grass.  He is creating a road where no road is supposed to be.

Now, this person could park the van here, an area that is already FUBAR’d, walk a little bit more, thus not killing any grass OR park the van on the street and walk a few steps more.  So many park staff work hard to try and make Marina Park look nice.  Not an easy thing, believe me.  Why is this person trying sooo hard to make the park look like shit?  Lazy?  Is he just too lazy?

Maybe one of those high salaried residents of City Hall can explain this to me.  Tax dollars to make the park look nice and tax dollars to make the park look like shit.  Only in Thunder Bay.

Took one photo to play around with

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