Thunder Bay – Sunday

Ooooo….someone left a gift.  I love surprise gifts. I wonder what it is?  Should I open it now or wait for my birthday?

I know I take several photos of the giant. The clouds are a bit different sooo that changes the look. At least That is what I think. Plus, I love reflections.  Early morning is usually good for reflections as there is little wind. Well, most of the time.

CCGS Alexander Henry opens for tours on Tuesday

The City of Thunder Bay’s Tourism Department asked the Lakehead Transportation Museum Society if they wanted these chairs.  They were originally purchased back in 2011 back when the MV Columbus was coming to town.  No cruise ship has come since 2013.  After that, the chairs were not used.  Soo, giving them to the LTMS made sense.  And sooo here they have been for several years now….until now.  Turns out that the City of Thunder Bay wants them back.  You know, cruise ship coming to town and that NOHFC grant of $1.2 million plus the $100,000 the City of Thunder Bay budgeted for landscaping is not enough to buy new chairs….if they really NEED chairs on the dock.  Why buy new chairs when you can just take back the ones you gave away years ago? Nice.

Not sure why City Hall has such a hate on for the Lakehead Transportation Society.  Its obvious from the treatment of the James Whalen and the train  down at the Kam River Park, that City Administration and our elected officials have zero interest in preserving our transpiration history.  All they have done is put up barriers .  Red tape.  Bureaucracy turned up to 11.

Helping the LTMS costs the taxpayer almost nothing.

Drunks hang around the Pool 6 site at night.  Back his truck into fence and then fall asleep.

Common Loon. Its on our one dollar coin.  If the one dollar coin hasn’t gone the way of the one cent coin yet, you can see it there.  I seem to use 20 dollar bills a lot more than coins nowadays.  Most people don’t even use cash.  Mistake people. Big mistake.

Double-crested Cormorant

Nice to see the table out in the park.  Why not put them on level ground?  I know, people COULD move them themselves but they ARE heavy.  Just a little forethought can go a long way.   Looks like the public just does not matter in the eyes of our high salaried residents of City Hall, which it doesn’t.

Superior Rocket is out. I wonder if prices will be higher this year considering the price of fuel and those two 250 hp engines are thirsty.

Also, just how many times will boaters take their yachts out for a spin this summer?  Just starting them up costs a small fortune.

Mask photo

Fuel prices did not stop this person from going like a bat out of hell around the harbour.

Red-breasted Merganser

Only took this photo because of the clouds

Impressive cloud structure.

Taking my macro out now. I can get nice closeups under the right conditions.  This is a dandelion.

Mature pussy willow.

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