Thunder Bay – Sunday

Not the colour you expect when you look into the water.

What is going on here? Well, it looks like the front of the building is coming lose.

Rotten wooden beams?   Years of water leaking into building.

I believe this is the result of people looking through trash and recycling. For what?  Not sure. Beer cans? Liquor bottles? Wine bottles? Anything worth cash?

Blue-winged Teal

Tree Swallows

Female is darker than the male. Not sure about trans swallows.

Site looking better.

MV Onega Traveller

MV G3 Marquis

A pair of Goldeneyes and a chair.  Yes, a chair.

MV Spruceglen coming into port

Another tent in Marina Park.  Camping season in Marina Park has now officially begun.  You want to camp down in the park? Go ahead.  From what I see, nobody cares.  Might be nice for a family weekend getaway.  Cheap and close. Nice view of the lake.

Love chrome.

Dandelions are always among the first to bloom.

Another example of why the City of Thunder Bay is unofficially called the City of Love. You can find used condoms and even a lot of unused condoms laying EVERWHERE in Thunder Bay.  Lots of love going on.

The nearest No Frills is County Fair Plaza. Why are these carts are in the north downtown core? Its a long walk from County Fair Plaza to here.

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