A ‘transformational project’: Science North gets $20M boost for local science centre
Local organization gets $1M more to help keep people housed
Tell me that an election is coming up without telling me that an election is coming up. Politicians come bearing gifts is one way. Legal vote buying.
I love it when politicians believe that we, the taxpaying public, should feel grateful when they, the people that work for us, hand back a small percentage of the money they took from us at the point of a gun. You know, taxes.
It is our money after all. Not Patty’s. Ours. She is simply the middleman/middlewoman/middle?.
Sooo why the photo op? For votes of course.
Remember, Job #1 for any politician is to get reelected. Giving us some of our money back helps. Doing so right before an election is one of the tried and true methods politicians have been using for centuries.
PS: Waiting for Patty to come through with the last $5 million that the ‘mistake-on-the-lake’ art gallery needs to complete its funding goal. This would be an opportune time.