We have a mostly clear morning. We are going to see the sun today.
Some nice colour.
The usual suspects
You can see where the sun will appear
Sun begins its rise
Nice moon
We have a sunrise
The mistake-on-the-lake this morning
Filming some movie scene
Looks like a drone being used
One thing I have learned about photographing wildlife is that looking at them too long makes them nervous. Birds will fly away. That is the case here. Had the bird flown TOWARD the camera, I would have had a great shot. Ends up just being another photograph of the rear end of a bird . I have taken many of these. Not on purpose mind you.
Your morning sky
Taking a break from flying around aimlessly squawking at the top of its lungs. The life of a gull is tuff.
Ice. Soon there will be no more ice. I look forward to that day.
Trash in context. Hillcrest Park.
Enjoying the view while leaving a pile of trash behind. Thunder Bay residents favourite activity.