Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Going to see the sun today.  Not expecting much of a sunrise because of the wall of clouds/steam along the horizon

By time the sun clears the clouds, all of the colour will be gone. It will be too high in the sky.

Full moon?

What is going to happen to the train station?  The developer that has a VERRRRRY long lease does not appear to be doing anything with it.  Paid parking might make it hard to find businesses willing to move in to the building. $3 an hour is expensive.

Still open water just past the breakwater

Some colour

but that was it

Like I said, not the best morning for sunrise photos BUT we will see the sun.

Moon does look full

Trash in context

Bush Ice.  One thing about drinking beer in this weather is you do not have to worry about the beer getting warm.  Not a worry at all.

Looks like the King of Waverley Park has a new tent.  Third tent in a week.

I like how the snow clearing crews left that wall of snow between the sidewalk and the street.  Yup.  Just no way to plow the street and sidewalk and not have that windrow.  Its beyond the capabilities of the City Of Thunder Bay.


Your morning