Thunder Bay – Thursday

The Water and Pearl Street intersection is pitch dark lit up only by the traffic lights.

Compare that withe the Cumberland and Pearl Street intersection a block to the west.

Clear sky morning

Nice reflections

Familiar sight. Not a lot of things to photograph at sunrise. Its the same view every day.

Took my fisheye out

As you can see, not a lot of clouds.  What you need is a Goldilocks amount of clouds.  Not too much, not too little. Just the right amount. Plus the clouds need to be in just the right place.  Then if you get a perfectly calm water surface, magic happens.

The sky over the horizon changes colour as the sun nears the horizon. The camera just does not do  justice the colours.

A mist covers the Pool 6 pond.

Lind of plain. Nice colour but plain.

Sooo what you do is stick stuff into the foreground.


The few clouds that there were did put on a show. No relections though.

and so the day begins

A discarded orange. Fast fact…you only need to eat that little bit of the top peel of an orange. Everything else can be thrown away.

Does look good in the morning light

Trash with a view.  If you look closely, you can see the drink container amongst the rocks.  I would normally try and get closer to the subject of my trash in context subjects but climbing around on those rocks is dangerous. You fall and there are many body parts that can be and will be damaged by the rocks.  I know. I have fallen enough times to know not to risk it. My body is damaged enough already.

Installing this today on the Superior Shores Hotel

Black and white makes this look gritty

Christmas is coming

Money to be had for the taking.

I see a lot of fruit that ends up rotting on the ground. Across the city, there must be hundreds of tonnes of the stuff going to waste every year.  Why is there none of the many agencies that are continually begging the public and various levels of government (which are also funded by the public) for funding their food programs picking the fruit?  Its free food.

Look at these plums.  They are sweet and juicy.  Healthy snack and FREE.

In the City of Toronto, there is a group that addresses this very issue.

Why not here?  Roost to Harvest….this is right up your alley.