Thunder Bay – Sunday

I always ask the same question when I see street lights inoperable and traffic signs missing:  If they are not required for public and traffic safety, then why do we have them in the first place?   Why spend all of those hard earned tax dollars to install and maintain these segments of the city’s infrastructure … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

  Ccccccccold this morning. Cold enough to produce steam Brought my fisheye lens Sun makes its appearance   Sunrise plus steam on the lake looks great Some colour happening in the clouds over the giant The mistake-on-the-lake today Trash in context Balloon?  Maybe it was a bell? Red River Road this morning

Thunder Bay – Friday

Cold morning. Not much happening . Eight ships anchored out in the harbour Looks sinister   Oooo something is happening I have not seen something like this in a while And the sun makes a short appearance Some pink in the clouds Someone camping without a tent.  Looks like he/she/?  was OK for food. Still … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Overcast morning. Not going to see the sun today. Streets mostly empty at this hour.  Pretty quiet. Trash in context No street lights along Water Street.  Why?  Maybe our high salaried residents of City Hall need to look at increasing next years tax rate target to much higher than the 3.8% mentioned at the end … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

A nice looking morning sky Nice reflections Sun appears. and so the day begins The mistake-on-the-lake today Still blooming You ever feel like this? Trash in context

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Clear sky and a still water surface. Nice reflections.  Makes a clear sky sunrise more interesting. Some light clouds to the south The sun is red Not red.  Maple leaves should be red when they fall off the tree. Trash.  Why?  Gulls? Can/bottle collectors? There are water bottles Another sign of the Rapture?   Am I … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday – Labour Day

Clear sky and cold temp this morning. Doesn’t get much more clear than this. Too bad the water surface was not calm. The sun Water bottle photo Left for the can/bottle collectors Enjoying the last day of the long weekend. Having a morning picnic.  Will they put the trash into the can when they are … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday – First Day Of September

A clear sky this morning.  I can tell you that the sunrise is not going to be anything spectacular.  We will see it rise though.  The water surface is rough sooo reflections will be non-existent.   Hopefully, there will be some nice colour but with no clouds and no reflections it won’t be National Geographic material. … Read more