Thunder Bay – Thursday

Another clear morning sky. Few clouds.

North core skyline. Some reflections

As you can see, no clouds. No clouds makes for a basic sunrise.

The outriggers are headed out for their Thursday morning paddle.

With no clouds, you get this type of sunrise.

Outriggers headed outside the breakwater.  Nice morning for a paddle. Little wind. Above average temps.

There is a single cloud over Current River.

The Silver Appleyards are still hanging around. Hopefully they will know when its time to flock off.

The mistake-on-the-lake today.

You can always tell where the sun will peak over the horizon.

And there it is. Nice reflection of the orange sky.

The lines on the surface of the water look good.  Nice contrast with the sky.

Silver Appleyards

Nice shot

And so the day begins

Foliage starting to turn yellow and orange. There are shrubs that will turn red eventually.

Trash in context. Coffee cup on table covered with water dropplets.

About as good as this tree will get.

Its a brand of fishing stuff.

A can/bottle collector’s wet dream.  Enough here to retire…

A gull breakfast buffet.  Why did someone tip over the can?  Why was there trash in the can?  Why was there no trash bag in the can?  Sooo many questions…

Turn into B&W and you have fine art.

The former BMO building at the corner of Court Street and Red River Road is going to be the new Native Friendship Centre.

St. Paul’s United Church need to replace their flag.   This one’s a disgrace.