Thunder Bay – Friday

Something as simple as a door can produce an interesting photo

The vertical looks good as well.  Mirrors the shape of the door.

We have picky eaters in this city, especially the ones who get their food for free.  They pick out the stuff they like and toss the rest.

Why do I always take a photo of Richardson’s grain elevator?  Its because its always brightly lit.  When everything else is dark, there is this.

Not expecting much this morning.  Lots of grey out there

The only spot of colour in the morning sky is over the Welcome Islands.

Oh well, better than nothing.

Never could understand the “standing up thing”. Imagine if the voyageurs of the NWC or HBC used this method to transport furs to  Fort William back in the day.

The mistake-on-the-lake today

I wonder if it will be enclosed by this winter?

The colour, what there  is of it, has expanded some.

I like the standing on one leg thing that birds do.

I don’t know what the City Manager is talking about, the city’s population is growing leaps and bounds. Lots of takers.  The givers?  That is where the problem is. Too many takers, not enough givers.


Never liked the stuff.

I know, its a disgusting photo but it gives you an idea of what park patrons in this city are forced to put up with. Why is nobody moving here?  Maybe this might be an answer.

Or this. Diapers. Adult diapers?  I am sure they were given them for free.  Trash now.  Its OK….they can get more for free.  No end to the free stuff you can get in this city. Life is good.
