Thunder Bay – Sunday

Clouds but also some clear patches Might be OK if things don’t change too much Got this…the fact that the water surface was calm helped a lot As good as it got this morning. Not a total waste of time Still a few of these around enjoying the recent warm spell I waited and waited … Read more

The World – New WHO Treaty Is Evil

 I mentioned this WHO treaty before.  The WHO is made up of unelected bureaucrats that are funded by corporate billionaires. This group of unelected bureaucrats that are dependent on corporate donations for funding will now decide if your country will be required to placed under a form of Health Crisis Martial Law. Are you … Read more

The World – Germany Suspends Schengen, Immigration Repercussion Across The Entire EU

Germany Suspends Schengen, Immigration Repercussion Across The Entire EU For the first time in EU history, Germany is at the forefront of immigration suspension. Other EU countries will follow. Image notes, I created the image using Grok, then modified the image in Photoshop to add German text, hopefully contextually accurate. Schengen Zone The Schengen Area … Read more