Thunder Bay – Tuesday

MV Viking Polaris is in town

What we have this morning is what I would call perfect sunrise conditions.  Nice clouds and still water surface.

Mornings like this is why I drag myself out of bed everyday.

The sun is back there.

Here we go.

Nice colours

and so the day begins.

I was not the only one down there with a camera  this morning.

Symmetry. Its what I like.

There was a second cruise ship in port this morning as well. The MV Le Champlain.

Someone lost this. How do you not notice it missing?

Tis the season

The things you see laying around the park.

Some plants are still flowering

Trash in context.

We have a sundog

Mushrooms. Tis also the season

Not sure that falling in love will stop you from having to fall in line.  I think that is written in the fine print of the marriage vows

Diaper?  Remember life before disposables?  Do people still cloth diapers?