Thunder Bay – Sunday

I always ask the same question when I see street lights inoperable and traffic signs missing:  If they are not required for public and traffic safety, then why do we have them in the first place?   Why spend all of those hard earned tax dollars to install and maintain these segments of the city’s infrastructure if their presence is not required?  I can see them be down for a day or so, but for weeks?   Something is wrong.   I believe either they are needed for public safety and must be operational at ALL times or get rid of them. As it is now, its a joke.

Its obvious that public safety is not Job #1 in this city.  I have no idea what kind of city our taxes are supposed to be buying but the one we got is sad. Its just sad.

Nice colours in the sky this morning


Nice cloud colour

Here comes the sun

Nice refelctions

Trash with a view.  Laker Ice, the official beer of Marina Park

Lake trash.

All in all, it was a nice sunrise

Cumberland Street and Red River Road intersection. Paving stones are done here.

You can go out and walk on them. Dance if you want.  Make a viral video.

Took a long time to get this far.

This area is next. Up To St Paul Street.


Waverley Park.  Full of trash as is the rest of the downtown.

Trash looks like its ripe and ready to harvest.  Good crop of trash this year.

Obviously, there are not enough trash cans in Waverly Park. There needs to be 100 to 150 cans and then, maybe then, some of the local POS population will consider using one of them. Me?  I doubt it. Our population of POSs could care less about this city. All they care about is getting their free stuff.  That is not about to stop anytime soon.