Thunder Bay – Thursday

Overcast morning. Not going to see the sun today.

Streets mostly empty at this hour.  Pretty quiet.

Trash in context

No street lights along Water Street.  Why?  Maybe our high salaried residents of City Hall need to look at increasing next years tax rate target to much higher than the 3.8% mentioned at the end of August.

The city’s infrastructure is falling apart.  Our high salaried residents of City Hall depend waaaaay to much on funding from senior levels of government.  Whatever happened to the “users must pay” rational being spewed out of City Hall to defend the parking increases?   That only applies to parking?

Eight ships anchored out there this morning.

The fish cleaning station in Marina Park has been closed for quite a while.  Why?   Its a simple piece of equipment.  Not overly complicated.  If it needs to be repaired, why not repair it?

How hard can it be to fix it?

Spider condo.

If it wasn’t for that God-for-saken island, this would be a nice view of Pool 2.

Water bottle photo

Trash in context

Trash in context