Thunder Bay – Saturday

Water bottle photo Looking at patterns, shapes and lines Lots of straight lines and right angles with a circle. Not expecting much as far as photo opportunities go today. The things you see laying around this city. Soon all of this will be covered with ice and snow. Better enjoy the colour while its still … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Feels like summer is over. Morning sky photo Its blue. I first thought it was the bottom half of a frog The mistake on the lake today The sun makes an appearance A Merganser family out looking for food. I don’t see many baby birds anymore.  Its getting late in the season. Lots of bricks,  … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

I may be seeing a trend starting here.  Make plywood windows a permanent feature? Morning sky photo Might be time to either remove this or replace it.  Just a thought. Trash in context After the Rapture?  Am I left behind? Painting poles is a wate of tim as far as I am concerned.  There are … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

  Morning sky photo   Wildflower colour ?  Placed or thrown? Enjoying a morning paddle.  Paddleboards are very popular.  This is the way I would use them. Sitting down. Music tonight Smell the glove A goat?  I’m going with that. The cricket field at Current River Park. I have not walked down here for a … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Trash in context Trash in context.  Souvenir from the Festa. Discarded food item This city is covered with discarded clothing.  I see the stuff every day. Looks like someone was here enjoying the view.  Too bad they did not take their trash with them. There is a trash can nearby. Morning paddlers lifting the outrigger … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday – Civic Holiday

Looks like Finnport has made the window repair permanent. An unusual find. The mistake on the lake. Morning sky photo Barn Swallow nests Looks like one of the Swallows was looking at connecting to hydro. This o0ne has a balcony. Trash in context Spirit Garden Trail. No view of the water if you are under … Read more

Thunder Bay – Unhoused Selling Tents Given To Them

 Holly Gauvin is extremely generous with other people’s money.  Once again, as I have said many, many times, if you get something for free, it has no value.  That goes for lodging, food, clothing or money.  If you get money given to you, unearned, then it has no value.  You will always get more.  … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Nice morning sky Ineffective traffic cone placement Morning sky photo Not sure what this is Busy getting ready for the photographers MV Federal Bering still there Someone decided that this needed to be broken. Still a few of these around Water bottle photo Trash in context Water bottle photo Bee

Thunder Bay – Saturday

Much cooler this morning. Walked up to Hillcrest Park this morning and got a couple of nice sun photos Sunken Garden flowers are looking rough. Because it was there.  Why else do this? Souvenirs of a Thunder Bay Friday night. Its ready… Latest issue of the Walleye is out A better look at the concrete … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Going to be another hot day Trash in context Trash in context Trash in context ? Water bottle photo Morning sky photo Trash in context Installing a pair of vents Like these one Maybe, just maybe this hole will be filled.  Its been there for months The same for this hole. The other side of … Read more