Thunder Bay – Sunday

I see someone moved the plant across the street to this location.  I must admit, it DOES look MUCH better here.   Why is this not a thing everywhere in the city? Nice morning sun A discarded blanket.  Is someone living under that tree? Looks like a framed art piece instead of a broken television screen.  … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

Someone doing some landscaping adjusting last night. I must admit that the dirt does look much better outside of the pot.   Who would have thought? Poo bag. It was nice that the person bothered to pick up his/her/? dog poop. Put it in the trash?  One step too far.  Maybe next time. One step at … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Rainy day soo don’t expect much photography today ?  I don’t see gulls or crows going after this.  If they won’t touch it, why are we eating it? Not the best day to arrive. When its raining and windy, you have to find sheltered locations to take your shots. Some colour at the Sunken Garben … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

There is a saying that you can’t make a silk purse out of a pig’s ear.  No matter how hard you try to make the city more attractive, there is always a group of POSs that will do their best to undermine your efforts. What was gained by this act?   Nothing.  No  penalty for doing … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

The world we live in today.  It makes you yearn for the simple days back in the 1960s. No computers. No cell phones.  No social media.  No trouble defining what a woman was. Another orange sun this morning.  The photos I take don’t do justice to colour of the sun.  When I start using my … Read more

The World – Thought Crime, Pre-Crime And Non-Crime Crimes

 The UK is becoming a dystopian nightmare.  Thought Crime and Pre-Crime have become the law of the land.  Police are busy scouring social media looking for anything that is now considered a hate crime.  Or even something that is not a crime but still needs to be tracked.  You know, a non-crime crime. Canada … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Looks like someone eliminated a few years worth of tread on their tires.  Tires are not cheap. Most rubber I have ever seen left after one of these burnouts. Morning sky photo The Mistake on the Lake today Water bottle photo I don’t think anyone pays attention to this sign. A pair of children’s shoes … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

I might have to start getting up earlier to get some sunrise photos. This is how all driveways crossing sidewalks should be designed.  Pedestrians must be allowed a non-sloped surface to walk on.  Pedestrians MUST take priority of vehicles. These plants remind me of cacti. I will miss these Black-eyed Susans once they disappear until … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Trash in context Contrails Water Street has closed lanes due to work on the Ontario Government Building Morning sky photo Birdfoot Still a couple of these around. Bottle close-up Cumberland and Red River Road intersection Trash in context Red River Road Nice shirt and its free for the taking.  You might want to wash it … Read more