Thunder Bay – Saturday

Morning sky photo Looks like someone was enjoying the view recently The sun makes its appearance The mistake-on-the-lake today It would be nice if the Pool 6 trail was cleared this winter but I doubt it. Not mine Thunder Bay today… Trash in context Trash in context Water bottle photo

Thunder Bay – Friday

There, that looks much better.  A pile of dirt on the ground instead of inside a planter.  This ‘pile of dirt on the ground’ thing is starting to gain traction. There was a time when you would never see discarded clothing laying around on the street.  The stuff was costly.  They became hand-me-downs from one … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Walking through the city in the dark.  One must be on their toes.   Who knows what lurks around each corner? The clouds looked promising at first but now its not going to be that good Some reflections Morning sky photo The sun does make an appearance. Looks pretty nice The mistake-on-the-lake this morning As good … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

The new style of neighbourhood beautification; having a pile of dirt on the corner boulevard.  It is Avant Garde.  Thinking outside the box.  Containers?  Who needs containers?  Containers are sooo ‘conventional’.  Sooo ‘establishment’. We will see if it catches on in the rest of the city or the world for that matter. This planter is … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

The supermoon Blue Moon Got up early and headed down to the lakefront to catch the sunrise Trash in context The giant is all lit up The mistake-on-the lake today Headed out early The sun is about to make its appearance Water bottle photo…at least I think its a water bottle. Trash in context. A … Read more

Thunder Bay – City Looks To Generate Revenue From Naming Rights

City looks to generate revenue from naming rights The City of Thunder Bay wants to find out how much money it might be able to earn by selling naming rights to various city-owned properties. It’s looking for a consultant to investigate naming rights opportunities for recreational facilities, parks, sports fields and courts, park assets, and possibly even for … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

Trash in context Morning sky photo Trash in context. Looks like someone sat down and enjoyed their food while enjoying the view of the Pool 6 trail. Yes, they could have taken their trash and deposited it in a trash can but that is too much to ask.   Just leave it behind for all of … Read more