Thunder Bay – Sunday

Fog this morning

Christmas lights are now a year-round decoration.


Some of these are still around.  Many have been removed.  Turns out, installing them was a waste of money. Grass and gravel permeable paver grid system.

There are some reflections around

Water bottle photo

Ribfest trash.  I recycle all my stuff in order to provide more room in the landfill for this stuff.  None of it will be recycled.

Ribfest closes today

Trash in context. Ting.

Where the Ribfest magic happens.


Water bottle photo

One mini-donut too many.

Red River Road so far looking south to north.

Of course.  The barriers HAD to be knocked down.  What else can anyone do? Its Saturday night.  Alcohol had been consumed.  Something HAD to broke.  Its the law.

Water bottle photo

Red River Road looking north to south

Even free food is not good enough for some people. Something was eaten. Dessert?

These people cleaned their plates.