Thunder Bay – Wednesday

The new style of neighbourhood beautification; having a pile of dirt on the corner boulevard.  It is Avant Garde.  Thinking outside the box.  Containers?  Who needs containers?  Containers are sooo ‘conventional’.  Sooo ‘establishment’.

We will see if it catches on in the rest of the city or the world for that matter.

This planter is no longer cutting edge.  Sad but true.  The earth must be free.

Actually, its not.

Morning sky photo

Here comes the sun

The mistake-on-the-lake today

The rose bush is going through its second bloom.

Nice car.  If I had this car in high school…..sigh

Convertibles are not much of a thing now.   Not sure how good they are in the winter.

Car is in great shape for its age. I wish I was.

Trash in context

Trash in context

An offering?  A memorial?

There are a few of these around the north core.

David and Sheila must be disappointed.