Thunder Bay – Sunday

I see someone moved the plant across the street to this location.  I must admit, it DOES look MUCH better here.   Why is this not a thing everywhere in the city?

Nice morning sun

A discarded blanket.  Is someone living under that tree?

Looks like a framed art piece instead of a broken television screen.   Might be worth a lot of money to someone who wants to hang it on their living room wall.  Will it end up in the “mistake-on-the-lake” art gallery?  If this was created by an Indigenous artist, then the answer is yes. Yes it will.

Tell me its a DSSAB shithole without telling me its a DSSAB shithole.

Another look at the “mistake-on-the lake”. The back wall is going to have an earth berm covering all but the top metere or so.  Net carbon zero you see.

Roses are having a second bloom right now.

Trash in context

Cumberland Street and Red River Road intersection. Ready for the paving stones.

Red River Road section almost ready for paving stones.

Trash in context. I like the lines and angles.

Trash in context.  Putters did not exist back in the day.

Saturday night fun. Know over the barricades.  These are the people that will be running the country in the near future.  The people with an IQ that matches their shoe size. With any luck, I will be dead by then.

Trash in context.

Gotta get them all….

Painted rock