Thunder Bay – Monday – Civic Holiday

Looks like Finnport has made the window repair permanent.

An unusual find.

The mistake on the lake.

Morning sky photo

Barn Swallow nests

Looks like one of the Swallows was looking at connecting to hydro.

This o0ne has a balcony.

Trash in context

Spirit Garden Trail. No view of the water if you are under 2 metres tall.

View of the lake while resting on this bench.

The trail has a ‘at least’ 2 metre high green wall along the trail.  Soo what is the point having this trail on the lakeshore?   You can’t see anything.

Lots of this today.  Can/bottle hunters?

See anything that can be recycled in there?

Young Bangladeshis having fun.

Taking in the cooler temps.

Can/bottle hunters were here.  What they do is dump out the contents of the can and then pick out what they want. Then they leave it.

Out on a summer tour of the lake.

Going ashore

The Ontario Government Building work so far.

Marina Park urinal.  Stinks to high heaven.  Seriously.

Hell with a tent.  The pedestrian overpass will do just fine. Maybe this person sold the tent they were given?

Trash in context

Water bottle photo

Can/bottle hunter was here?

What happened here?

Water bottle photo