Thunder Bay – Saturday

Is that true?  Really?  Children are dying in war zones every day.  THOSE children don’t appear to matter at all.

A loaf of bread?

The mistake on the lake today

Daisies are still in full bloom

Yes, the giant is out there.

This morning I passed a street urchin going through the recycle can for loot.  Cans.   What this person did was remove the plastic bin that is inside the recycle can. He then started to remove the items in the plastic can and sorting them.  Stuff he did not want were placed in the litter can. Stuff he wanted was thrown on the ground.   When he was finished, everything from the recycle can was either relocated ti the litter can or placed in his backpack. The recycle can was empty.  Everything was now in the litter can and will be taken to the landfill site.

Still a few

When you are taking a stroll through Goose Shit Park, you will eventually come across a flock of these.  These guys refused to move off of the path.  Not only that, they hissed and threatened me.

Walking in Goose Shit Park can be dangerous.


Another pack busy turning grass into feces.

A large flock busy turning grass into feces.  No deterrents on the weekend.  The park belongs to the geese.

Trash taking a rest on a bench. Enjoying the view. Even trash needs to take a break.  Smokers are the worst litterers in the city.  Nobody else is even close. In fact, smoking litter is not even considered litter by smokers.

Trash in context.

This pigeon’s bad day just got worse.  As if dying was not bad enough but having a gull, a Herring Gull, rip your body apart as well elevates what started out as a bad day to REALLY bad day.

Not sure what happened.  Should have stayed in the nest this morning.

Water bottle photo

Red River Road and Cumberland Street intersection.

Its getting close. A lot of open space.

Need one in your rec room?   Its a bit of a fixer upper but with some TLC…..

Looks like the connection to water/sewer lines installed on Court Street last year may have been completed.

Lots of colour here

Bay and Algoma Buskerfest on today and tomorrow.