Thunder Bay – Monday

A red rock.

Morning sky photo

The things you see

The daisies make this scene sooo I keep taking photos of it as long as they are there.

One day I will be back here taking those sunrise photos, but today’s not the day. The sun is still rising waaaay too early for me.

Black-eyed Susans are popping up now.

Water is calm

There is always one that lags behind the others

I think the gulls might have been picking away at this bag.

Another band-aid solution by the City of Thunder. It did not last all that long/

Geese relaxing before starting a hard day of turning grass into feces.

Water bottle photo

Months hanging out at the local light

Shrubby Cinquefoil?

Another group of geese that are just beginning a hard day of turning grass into feces.  A couple appear to be supervising.

People still drinking this swill?   So many local beers to choose from and you drink this?

Double-crested Cormorant.  There are a lot of these around the waterfront

A group of geese having a pre- work meeting making sure they all understand the entire process of turning grass into feces.   Being organized is the key.  Avoid chaos.  Geese are all about avoiding chaos.

On the move.  They can’t fly right now sooo swimming is their best method of transportation.  That or walking and they are not great walkers.

A male Mallard still has his colours. Male Mallards lose their coloured feathers and look a lot like the females.  You can tell the difference between the male and females by their bill colour.

Smell the glove.