Thunder Bay – Wednesday


We have an orange sun this morning.  I suspect haze from forest fires somewhere.

Just another morning on Bay Street.  An empty box, a baby gull that can’t fly yet and a pair of pigeons.  Life does not get more exciting than this.

Looks clean

Had to wait for a train this morning. Got a couple of rail car graffiti photos.

Morning sky sun

The mistake on the lake today

Busy as a bee on a daisy

You drop a strawberry and you don’t pick it up?  Rinse it off.

Boaters and their alcohol.

A large group of geese busy turning grass into fecal material.

Goose poop. The white is the goose’s version of urine.

Enjoying the warm morning sun.

A lone poppy on the waterfront.


Getting ready to lay these down on the sidewalk at the Red River Road and Cumberland Street intersection.

Water bottle photo

Street car tracks and wooden tie.

Think of all the people that road in streetcars that travelled over these tracks.