Thunder Bay – Saturday

Looks like its still a little sleepy.  Trying to gather up enough energy to dive bomb me.

Not sure if its repairable.  It might still have some life left in it.

I m a fan of bubbles

Morning sky photo. Clear and warm. Summer weather has arrived.

Its never hard to get a photo of an empty drink container in Goose Shit Park (aka Marina Park)   I expect to see lots of empty beer bottles and cans now that the LCBO employees are on strike.

Irises are still in bloom.

Double-crested Cormorants are a daily site on the waterfront.

Lots of bees out and about right now.  Not so many butterflies though.

For you that donate clothing to organizations that hand out free clothing to the local street urchins, know that many of your donations can be found laying around the city.

Second day of the Brew Ha this afternoon.

Trash in context

If you are going to name a park Goose Shit Park, then you are going to need a lot of geese.  No problem. There are hundreds.

Tent caterpillar.  I killed two this morning in the park including this one. I will be paying more attention from now on.

Feral shopping cart

The City of Thunder Bay has three options here.  They can replace the damaged canvas.  They can remove it and replace it later or they can do nothing now and maybe do something later.  Which do you think they will chose to do?  I will keep you posted.  Looks like crap. I am sure the tourists are impressed.  Goose Shit Park is the city’s premier tourist destination…or so they say.

These stairs lead from the Delta Hotel down to the park’s Waterfront Plaza and the walking trail.  These stairs are not maintained during the winter.  Not cleared of snow and ice.  How are visitors to the city supposed to access the walking trails without risking injury?

Not sure what this is

Trash. Lots of colourful trash to photograph

Trash in context.  Looks like someone might use this spot for dining.