Ontario – Vigil Held In Kenora For Man Fatally Shot by OPP

Another example of how the Indigenous chiefs and community only care when members of their community are in prison,  are killed or go missing.  Up until then, nobody seems to care.

Bruce Wallace Frogg was a member of Wawakapewin, an Oji-Cree First Nation and remote fly-in community about 350 kilometres north of Sioux Lookout.  Why was he in Kenora?  Was he living there?  Why was he not back in Wawakapewin?

Mr Frogg had mental issues.  He needed help.   Ontario MPP Sol Mamakwa said so himself.    Did family and the people of  Wawakapewin help him?   Did anyone try?   Who know?

Indigenous  leaders need to take responsibility for their members well being.   Nothing that happens in the Indigenous  community to members of the Indigenous community seems to be the fault of anyone in the Indigenous community.  Its always blamed on racism.  Or residential schools. Or colonialism.

To find solutions, you must start at home.  The family. The local community.  Where it all begins.

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