Thunder Bay – Monday – Canada Day

I can’t keep up with the selection of alcohol products available today. Life was simpler waaaay back.  Beer or rum and coke.

Canada Day at the Fire Hall

Come on guys…there are waaaaay more mosquitos to eat.  No time for resting.  The bastards are biting me.

Not a bad looking morning. Maybe July will be the month.  Maybe we will get a summer after all.

I am not an expert but I feel that this is not how plants work.  I could be wrong.

A monitoring well.  It was painted red for a reason.  Lots of room to go around it.  Chose not to do so.  Who is going to fix this?

Lots of Daisies blooming right now.


I like the pattern



Looked better when it was on the bush

Water bottle photo

Temple Reef Sailing Club in Marina Park needs to replace the flag.  This is not acceptable ESPECIALLY on Canada Day

Small stage at the Waterfront Plaza in Marina Park

Fountain pond is overflowing again

Glad I am not paying for this water.  The stuff is liquid gold.

Catching some early morning sun until the water jets start up.  Then hilarity will ensue.

Trash with a view

Smell the glove

Holiday or no holiday, that outrigger is not going to paddle itself.

Sound check for today’s Canada Day entertainment.   Aysanabee?   Not sure.   He is the headliner today.

Looked better on the bush. Still, this better than laying on the ground.

Another feral shopping cart

Not something you see every day on Red River Road.  Tires.