Thunder Bay – Sunday – Last Day Of June – Thank God!

Can’t say I am sad to see June in my rearview mirror.  It sucked big time.

Cut the two trees that were in front of the former Finnish Labour Temple site.  Why? Who knows?  Anyway, they are gone.

Trash in contact

This is how ALL driveways/sidewalks should be handled.  Sidewalks should never be sloped to accommodate driveways.  Only a small section of the sidewalk.  Sloped sidewalks become very slippery in freeze/thaw periods.  They become hazardous for pedestrians, not that pedestrians safety matters in this city. Cars always takes precedence over pedestrians in every situation.

Canada Day tomorrow

Trash in context. Ben and Jerry’s

Trash in context

Rail car graffiti

Yes, its still there.

Nope, nobody has moved in yet.  Looks comfy.

Morning sky this morning

MV Pearl Mist back in town.

Stairway to heaven?


They’re heeeeere!  Why not? Its a great spot. Great view.  Fully serviced area. Good fishing.   Nice dock.

Thank your gutless city council for this.  They allow this kind of thing.

It would be inhumane to ask this person to leave.   Can’t have that.   Tourists are going to love this.   The waterfront is all this city has.  Take that away and there is nothing.

Getting ready for tomorrow

Trash in concert

Trash in context

Some flower pics