Thunder Bay – Sunday


Noticed another one of these today.  There are several around the downtown area.  Not sure what they are about. Art is personal.  Maybe there is a hidden message in these. A sort of code.  Its beyond me. Nice colours.

Pigeon had a very bad day.

Water bottle photo

Virginia Blue Bells?

Parking meters mention the days and times that paid parking is in force.  Free Sundays and holidays.

What I have noticed is that information, days and times paid parking is in effect, is missing in Marina Park. Not mentioned anywhere.  Not on the signs.

Not on the machines.  Omitted on purpose?   I am one to believe that omission was not accidental.  As it is now, a person can believe that paid parking is 24/7, which is not true.

More work being done along the Pool 6 trail. Tree planting?

More flower photos

A mix of ages.  Adult, teens and babies.

Finally covered up the graffiti. How long until this is covered with graffiti?  My guess is a few days at most.

Trash in context

Trash in context

Abandoned wheelchair?  Did a miracle happen?

Water birds. Canada Goose and Red-breasted Mergansers.

Looks like a female Goldeneye

MV Isadora

Geese are expecting some food

I just like the colour and pattern

Water bottle photo

The Red River Road and Cumberland Street intersection so far.

Trash in context

Trash in context

Trash in context