Thunder Bay – Sunday – Fathers Day

Another crappy overcast and drizzly day. It would be nice to get more than one or two nice days a week. We are running out of time.

Before editing…

After editing.

Rail car graffiti

Water bottle photo

MV Verila has been anchored in the harbour for quite a while.

Trash in context

Trash in context

Trash in context

Water bottle photo

This hole has been here for a month?  Maybe longer?   No progress in all that time. Why? Why is this OK?

Trash in context.

The section of the Algoma Street’s southbound lane (curbside lane)  between Dufferin Street and Bay Street has a lot of patches. There has been major issues ever since the sewer and water infrastructure replacement contract.  Wheel rutting is also an issue.  We taxpayers paid for this.