The World – 10 Questions For Climate Alarmists

One question that nobody seems to be asking is  when did the ‘climate experts/scientist’ ever get a prediction correct?   Fifty plus years of climate predictions and not a single one turned out to be accurate. Not a single one.  I would think that with what is at stake for the global economy and food supply that prediction accuracy is very important.  Billions of lives depend on it.

Why are we supposed to believe these ‘climate experts/scientists’ now?   Why?

Watch what the billionaires and other elites are doing.  Are they acting like the climate is headed for disaster?  Are they acting like the world is headed towards an environmental apocalypse?  The answer is no.  What I see is a rush to make as much money as possible.  Tax dollar money.  Money taken from your wallets and given to billionaires and corporate elites.

Previous related posts here and here