Thunder Bay – Saturday

Another mostly clear sky today. Not expecting much of a sunrise. MV Federal Bering (left) at Keefer Terminal and the MV Tim S Dool also at Keefer Terminal (right) The cruise ship dock area As good as it got The sun has not broken through the clouds There we go Some reflections Double-crested Cormorant

Thunder Bay – Friday

A clear morning again. There are some clouds around the sunrise location. I see some nice colour over there Looks like The sun Some sun stars Nice reflections Looks like the Marina office is getting rid of some books Nice refections Trash in context A beaver meets? Another beaver or a muskrat? A pair of … Read more

The World – Remember Ivermectin?

Remember Ivermectin? Remember how people declared it “horse medicine”? Why would anyone trust anything that our government, their medical experts and the mainstream media tell us about anything related to health?   It appears that it all has to do with money.  Pretty sure I have said that before.   Money. There was no money in Ivermectin.  … Read more

Thunder Bay – Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

This is a section of  Court Street that was reconstructed last year.  All the road work was done BEFORE Synergy North came along to replace the poles.  To do this, Synergy North had to remove some of the paving stones that were carefully laid down by contractors only a short time before.  Then Synergy North … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

One of my big pet-peeves.  Leaving construction signs up when there is no construction going on.  This practice just weakens the effect on traffic that the sign is supposed to produce. A clear morning Some colour Not expecting much this morning.  Without clouds, sunrise will be very plain.       A pair of Greater … Read more