Thunder Bay – Monday – Victoria Day

Did not bother getting out to photograph the sunrise this morning. Took some photos on my down to Marina Park after the sun had already risen. Trash in context.  Need an office chair? This graffiti vandalism is getting out of hand in this city.  Somebody has to do something or every square inch of this … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Clear sky this morning.  Not expecting much in the way of dramatic sunrise.  MV Shipka MV Juno Just went up to Hillcrest Park.  I was not about to leave early to walk to Marina Park just for a clear sky sunrise. Even in Hillcrest Park, there is trash in context MV Federal Dee MV Shipka, … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

I take a few photos on may way to Marina Park just in case the colour disappears before I get to the waterfront Nice pastels MV Federal Dee Some colur. Not a lot but some. The clouds looked like it might have had some potential but looks like the low level clouds are not going … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Another mostly overcast morning.  Low clouds along the horizon Interesting clouds. As good as it got The “mistake on the ;lake” this morning Tree Swallows Great Blue Heron What flies are these?  They don’t bite. They don’t land. They just hit your face.   The Tree Swallows and spiders are going to be eating well today. … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Partly cloudy morning Not sure where this is going to go this morning. Some early colour Sun is back there somewhere Clouds are looking pretty good Hmmm…lots going on here Quite the cloud show This looks good There is a lot happening in this sky. This is why you never can tell what the morning … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

It was supposed to be overcast with light rain expected.  Instead, we got this.    The clouds were there but there was a narrow band of open sky along the horizon right where the sun was about to rise. The sunrise blasted colour everywhere And here it comes.  If you lived in the Waverley Towers, … Read more

The World – Transitioning Fleet Trucks To Electric Raises Costs By Up To 114 Percent, Report Warns

Transitioning Fleet Trucks To Electric Raises Costs By Up To 114 Percent, Report Warns Florida-based Ryder analyzed the potential cost of transportation if internal combustion engine trucks are converted to EVs. There is a 5 percent cost increase for light-duty EVs and a 94–114 percent increase for heavy-duty trucks, the May 8 report states. For a fleet … Read more

Canada – Ontario Getting $200 Million For New Child Care Spaces

Ontario getting $200M for new child care spaces The federal government will provide Ontario with over $200 million, specifically earmarked to create more child care spaces. Patty Hajdu, member of Parliament for Thunder Bay-Superior North, said she’s heard from families that getting access to child care is a huge concern. “[People] have been signing up in some … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Another mostly clear sky morning. Some light clouds along the horizon. Might be smoke. Not sure if I will still take sunrise photos after the long weekend.   I might take a break until Labour Day. There are plenty of other things to photographs. Birds. Butterflies. Bees. Flowers. Ships. The site of the “mistake on the … Read more

Thunder Bay – Monday

Got some nice pastels this morning Looks nice Not much going on there Double-crested Cormorants Smoke? Nice sunrise   I like this shot Double-crested Cormorant Some crane work at the hotel Trash in context Not sure what happened here but it is worth a photo Decided to take a walk down to the former Great … Read more