Thunder Bay – Saturday

This is spring right?   Warmer than yesterday but just barely. The lighthouse info/map is back in Waterfront Plaza at Marina Park.   I did not like the hotel on the right… soooo I removed it.  I wish life was as accommodating as Photoshop. You don’t like something, remove it. Not going to see any sun today. … Read more

Thunder Bay – City Facing $1.9 million Tax Supported Deficit From 2023

City facing $1.9-million tax-supported deficit from 2023  The office of the city treasurer is recommending spending $1 million from Thunder Bay’s WSIB reserve to help cover a portion of the municipality’s $1.9-million 2023 tax-supported operating deficit. The deficit represents a 0.8 per cent share of the Thunder Bay’s $218.4 million 2023 municipal tax levy. The … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

A reusable shopping bag busy saving the planet Rail car graffiti Cold wind and no sun I know exactly how this ketchup packet feels.  I have had many days just like this. Mallard Duck Trash with a view A Pelican showed up Trash in context. At least it wasn’t left on the street.  This isn’t … Read more

Canada – MAID Described As “Like Torture”

 Sooo let met get this straight….first they give you a paralytic to paralyze you and then they give you a drug that causes you to drown to death?   A slow death by drowning?  If this is true, how is this allowed? What has happened to this country?   There has to be a better way. … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Trash in context B&W Rail car graffiti Morning sky. Cold wind Flags look like they need to be replaced.  The Canadian and American flags are frayed.  Also, I am not an expert on flag stuff but isn’t the Canadian flag supposed to be higher than the American and City of Thunder Bay flags? Pretty sure … Read more

Canada – Lockheed Running Out Of Parking Space For F-35s Pentagon Refuses to Accept. Maybe Canada Can Pick Up a Few Cheap?

Lockheed Running Out Of Parking Space For F-35s Pentagon Refuses To Accept Another day, another indication of what a spectacular, snakebit clusterf**k the F-35 program is. The latest blotter entry comes to us from the US Government Accounting Office (GAO), via a new report pointedly titled “F-35 Joint Strike Fighter: Program Continues to Encounter Production Issues … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

The heavy rain had turned into a  into a light drizzle by morning. Not a great day for photography but I will give it a shot or two. Trash in context. Morning on the waterfront Mistake on the lake this morning The sun was over there somewhere. Mallard Duck Looks like this has drainage issues. … Read more

Canada – Are Corporate Subsidies Worth It?

Ottawa is spending $1.7M for 10 new jobs at a pasta plant. Are these corporate subsidies worth it? Feds and Ontario also doling out $5B for 1,000 EV plant-related jobs, or $5M per job Mark Gollom · CBC News · Posted: May 21, 2024 4:00 AM EDT | Last Updated: 5 hours ago Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ontario … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Trash in context Water surface is just like a mirror.  Nice reflections this morning. Trash in context Tree Swallow A little grooming I like the reflection of the mistake on the lake MV Federal Dee MV Mandarin M I see the crew has taken the outrigger out for a morning paddle. MV Federal Bering Marina … Read more

The World – Is It Time To Say “No”? Is It Time To Say “Enough”?

 Yes, society has become waaaaay too tolerant and empathetic.  Today, we tolerate public drunkenness, public  drug use, mentally ill people wandering the streets screaming and swearing at someone who is not there,  tent encampments, vandalism, graffiti,  men in women’s change rooms, men participating in women’s sports,  the whole “pick your own gender ” thing, … Read more