Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Nice colour. Not sure what it is. I don’t think I want to know.

Trash in context

Water bottle photo

Trash in context

Not expecting much in the way of photos of the bay today

About as good as it got

The sun did appear for a few moments

Trash in context

Duckling missing its parents

Trash in context

MV Shipka, MV Tufty at anchor with the MV Stevie entering bay in background

Buds of May

Trash in context

Synergy North  busy destroying work done by contractor last year.  Just imagine if this pole replacement  work was done BEFORE  the road contract.   Not in Thunder Bay.  Here city taxpayers pay to upgrade street infrastructure and then customers of Synergy north (the same city taxpayers) pay to tear up that less than one year old street infrastructure.  Hurrah!

A trash cache.  I see some recyclables in there.

Water bottle photo.