Thunder Bay – Friday

A reusable shopping bag busy saving the planet

Rail car graffiti

Cold wind and no sun

I know exactly how this ketchup packet feels.  I have had many days just like this.

Mallard Duck

Trash with a view

A Pelican showed up

Trash in context. At least it wasn’t left on the street.  This isn’t a safety hazard?  Electricity?

Trash in context.  I guess this one would not fit in the light pole.

Trash in context. Orange peel.

Work continues on Red River Road

The old street car tracks fascinate me.   A piece of the city’s history.

Getting ready for June.  Why doesn’t the city just paint these crossings?   Applying the thermoplastic squares is a lot of work and if its not done right, it looks like crap.

Yes, the paint would need to be done every year but it would be quicker and I’m going to guess, cheaper.