Thunder Bay – Thursday

Trash in context


Rail car graffiti

Morning sky. Cold wind

Flags look like they need to be replaced.  The Canadian and American flags are frayed.  Also, I am not an expert on flag stuff but isn’t the Canadian flag supposed to be higher than the American and City of Thunder Bay flags? Pretty sure that is the case.

Mistake on the lake this morning

June 1 is coming.  I am very interested to see what is going to happen on that day. June 1 is a Saturday

Smell the glove.  I am old enough to remember when you would never see one of these anywhere let along laying on the ground in a park.

MV Manarin

Someone lose an earing?

Work continues on Red River Road at Cumberland Street

Streetcar tracks

Trash in context



’tis the season

Tulip has reached middle age.

Gold-digging crow.  My friend as long as I have something to give.
