Thunder Bay – Wednesday

The heavy rain had turned into a  into a light drizzle by morning. Not a great day for photography but I will give it a shot or two.

Trash in context.

Morning on the waterfront

Mistake on the lake this morning

The sun was over there somewhere.

Mallard Duck

Looks like this has drainage issues.

Trash in context.


Someone did not want to eat this particular berry.  I don’t see anything wrong with it.

Cormorants and Pelicans.

They hunt for food together.  I suspect that the Cormorants find the schools of fish and the Pelicans get in on the all-you-can-eat buffet.

Trash with a view

Serious looking mask.  A N95 mask.  This is actually a “respirator”.  Far superior than the surgical masks that you see most members to the public wear.  Surgical masks are meant to protect against bacterial infections.  Not so much against viruses.