Thunder Bay – Sunday

Clear sky this morning.  Not expecting much in the way of dramatic sunrise.  MV Shipka

MV Juno

Just went up to Hillcrest Park.  I was not about to leave early to walk to Marina Park just for a clear sky sunrise.

Even in Hillcrest Park, there is trash in context

MV Federal Dee

MV Shipka, MV Federal Dee, MV Gardno

MV Shipka, MV Federal Dee, MV Gardno and MV Juno

Nice reflections


Otters float on their backs while enjoying a recent catch

Setting up a tent

Looking for a handout

I think its something that only can happen in Thunder Bay.  Our high salaried residents of City Hall spread compost/topsoil/seed on bare spots in the festival area around the public toilet facility.  Good. Of course, the person in charge of opening/servicing the public toilet facility drives his van over the grass every day to park next to the public toilet facility thus, over time, creating a trail consisting of bare areas created by the continued driving of the van on the grass.  Could the van be parked on the road NEXT to the public toilet facility requiring the city employee to walk all of 20 feet from the van to the doors of the public toilet facility? Of course. But that would require the public employee to walk those 20 feet twice a day.  Yes….TWICE a day.

No, better to destroy the grass.

Trash in context.

The wind would blow the cup around. Every time it stopped, there would be a new shadow.


The morning sun makes that orange pop
