Thunder Bay – All About Electric Municipal Fleet As Long As Someone Else Is Paying For It.

The City of Thunder By is all in when it comes to electrifying its municipal fleet as long as that process is heavily subsidized by other levels of government. When I say “heavily subsidized”,  I mean at LEAST a 75% cost subsidy…maybe more.

If  our high salaried residents of City Hall had to pay for these vehicles full price, 100% out of pocket, 100% from their own taxes collected, you will find that electrification of the municipal fleet will become much less appealing.

EVs are very expensive. Limited range. A nightmare to repair.  Short life span.  And then there is insurance.  Plus, they have a habit of bursting into flames for no reason at all.  Battery technology is nowhere near good enough to replace ICE vehicles yet.   Nobody wants EVs.   The electric grid needs to be upgraded.  Additional electrical generation will be needed to be built.   Issues charging.  The list is endless.

EVs are not better for the environment.  Production of EVs has a large carbon footprint.   The cost of the battery can make up a large percentage of the vehicle’s price.  Replacing the battery can cost more than the vehicle is worth.  How is that good for the environment?

Maybe go after the private jets first. How about the cruise ships.   Maybe the billionaire elite  class can lead the way?  How about they give up something?  Their yachts?  Some of their mansions?  Their fleets of gas guzzling, carbon emitting fleet of cars?

How about politicians giving up their private jets?  Do more Zoom meetings?

Today’s vehicles, whether ICE or electric are extremely expensive. They are also mostly junk.  Too complicated. Too much that can and does go wrong much too quickly.  Vehicles need to be simpler. Less electronics.  Just simple vehicles that have everything that is required to be safe and nothing more.  Basic.

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