Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Another morning at Hillcrest Park. A change is as good as a rest. Isn’t that what we are told?

Nice colour. The problem is that its waaaay over there.

Nothing there.

What there is is petty nice.


There is the sun.

Now in Marina Park.  Nice sky.

Cruise ship dock.  Nobody living in this yet.  Would this be “affordable” housing?

The same with this. Throw a bed in there and a provable pit toilet next to it and you have an “affordable” house.   Cheap to build. Easy to maintain.

A city’s street urchin’s wet dream.

Trash in context

A fake Bald Eagle.

Its supposed to keep the gulls from nesting on the roof.  Looks like its not working.

Trash in context

Discarded food item.

Might be time for our high salaried residents of City Hall to do something about this crap.

Start requiring the businesses that are using the city’s infrastructure for advertising to remove their crap once the event is over.  Issue a fine.

Remember when bicycles used to be a prized possession?  Handed down from one sibling to the next.  Now they are just another piece of trash laying around the city.