Thunder Bay – Monday

Walked up to Hillcrest Park this morning instead of Marina Park.

The sun is rising way off to the left.  Not anywhere near the giant.

Over by the Waverly Towers


Here comes the sun.

Afterwards, I did walk down to Marina Park

Tree Swallow

The mistake on the lake this morning.

Looks like a crayfish had a bad day.

Nice reflections

Muskrat?  Looks like one.

Oooooo…a rare sighting. A cyclist using a cycle path….not the sidewalk.   How rare is this? I might never see another.  Its that rare.

Looks like Aldo has made some enemies in the unhoused community OR the Industrial Complex that exists to suck as much government money out of the unhoused issue as possible. There are many jobs dependent on keeping those unhoused unhoused.