The World – Why People Prefer To Live In Cisterns

 Time to think out of the box when it comes to affordable housing.  I mean TRULEY affordable.  Something that can be purchased by a single income family and have the mortgage paid off as soon as possible. We are talking about houses built in factories.  We are talking about houses that are well made … Read more

Thunder Bay – Saturday

Another clear sky morning.  Not a lot to photograph other than the lighthouse…sooo be prepared for a lot of photos of the lighthouse I like the effect that the open water produces.  Blue and orange work nice together.   As the light changes, so do the colours The MV Wigeon Nice golden reflection and the … Read more

Canada – Apeel

 Coming to a Federal Government funded “healthy and nutritious” school lunch program near you. previous related post here

Ontario – A Procedure In Which A Vaginal Cavity Is Surgically Created While Keeping The Penis Intact….Yes, This Is A Thing And Someone Wants Ontario Taxpayers to Pay For It

 There is a hypothesis that the continued weakening of the planet’s magnetic field  is allowing more radiation and other crap emitted by the sun to get down to us and is screwing up our brains.  Making people act crazy.  I am starting to believe that is true.  The world has gone off the rails.  … Read more

Thunder Bay – Friday

Clear sky morning. We have a moon over the giant.  And no wind to speak of. Clouds make a difference.  Just the right amount of clouds located in just the right part of the sky is a lot to ask for.  Happens rarely but when it does, it makes getting up for all of those … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Got some colour in the sky this morning.  Only in the northeastern corner of the bay. Not over the giant. The MV Federal Hamilton Click on above image to enlarge The sun will rise in this area   The sun is working its way up Trash in context. A can in the tracks A rare … Read more

Canada – Canada Housing Housing Crisis

 If the house prices start at $700,000, it does not matter how many are built, they will not be affordable.   There is no incentive for anyone to build “affordable” houses because everyone, except buyers, benefit from high prices.  Builders, municipalities and banks benefit.  They all make money, and everything is about money.  Remember that. … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Mostly overcast and very strong wind gusts.  Photography was very difficult. Clouds were interesting.  I wonder if the strong winds had anything to do with them looking like that? The clouds were changing quickly.   I wonder what the fish think of this stuff? The gulls are hunkering down tight. You can tell which direction … Read more