Thunder Bay – Saturday

Clear sky this morning. Nice reflections. Still some ice around in  small bays MV Federal Montreal Trash in context Fishing. Steelhead running? Sam the snake is not growing all that fast. Discarded food item

Thunder Bay – Friday

Some cloud this morning   What is this? Low water level in the bay Sam the rock snake. Add a rock and see how big it grows.  Those rocks are very heavy.  I might add a smaller one.      

The World – The Scottish Hate Crime Bill

 Scotland’s dystopian society is our Justin’s wet dream. The Scottish Hate Crime bill is massively unconceived frighteningly vague scarily open to abuse utterly unworkable certainly unpoliceable unthinkably Draconian  insidious  that attacks the civil liberties of anyone that doesn’t fit in the vary narrow  Overton’s window of so-called liberals would call acceptable Sounds like something … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thursday

Nice looking morning. MV Wigeon Some nice colour MV Federal Caribou Not sure if that telephone thing is functioning.  Looks like it was vandalized.  I have seen quite a few of these things around the city in exactly the same condition.  What are they? Nice refelctions More reflections Gulls hanging around the edge of the … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Starting to see some open water. This provides the opportunity for refections. Click on above image to enlarge Click on above image to enlarge I remember a time when your baseball cap was something that was pretty much rivetted to your head.  Today, caps and other clothing items are disposable . They have no value … Read more

Canada – How Will Liberals Pay For Billions In Promised Spending?

Housing Crisis, Packed Hospitals and Food Lines: Even in Canada? The country currently is $1.2 trillion in debt.  That debt is increasing at a rate of $4.5 million per hour. Sooo, the country can’t afford to pay for the failing fiscal situation it is finding itself in right now…..The country is broke. Now you have … Read more

The World – NetZero And Human Rights Are Mutually Exclusive

NetZero And Human Rights Are Mutually Exclusive (Featuring: The Three Big Lies of “Climate Action”) Everybody talks a good game when asked about environmental concerns. But they underestimate what real “climate action” will cost them, personally, and they’re prone to balking when they figure it out. In 2018, The Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago conducted a survey of … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Foggy morning. Not going to see the sun this morning.   Tried B&W For you young people, this is called a ‘pencil’. Pencils were used in prehistoric times by early humans to create media used to communicate with each other.

Thunder Bay – Monday – Eclipse Day

Was not expecting much this morning as the sky had a lot of clouds. Long exposures produced this   You can see where the sun would appear if the clouds allowed it…but they don’t Interesting clouds The morning sky. Click on image to enlarge A touch of colour in the clouds Click on image to … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Another clear sky morning.  Some colour but the sky is boring. You can see where the sun is going to rise and there it is and so the day begins I wondered what tomorrow’s eclipse would look like if it happened at sunrise.  Sooo I gave it a shot. The scene of the Polar Plunge … Read more