Thunder Bay – Thursday

Another cool clear morning.  Not a cloud in sight.  All the colour there is going to be in the sky is along the horizon. Anything worth taking a photo of is the lighthouse.  If you get in the right spot, the sun will rise behind the structure. and so the day begins The mistake on … Read more

Thunder Bay – Thunder Bay Police Service Disbandment Call

 and replace it with what exactly?  The OPP?  The OPP would have to hire all of the officers presently serving in the Thunder Bay Police Force because the OPP does not have a spare police department just sitting around with nothing to do. What kind of precedent would that set if a small group … Read more

Thunder Bay – Wednesday

Another business suffering a break-in, Broken windows.  At some point in the not-to-distant future, this city will have no businesses with windows.  Fake windows will be painted onto plywood.  My prediction. These things are now up on the road leading into the Pool 6 site.  The idea is to separate pedestrians from traffic.  Boat pedestrians.  … Read more

Thunder Bay – Tuesday

Mostly overcast, drizzly morning.   Might even get some snow later on. Not going to get many photos today. The people living overt that horizon  are enjoying a nice day. Trash in context

Thunder Bay – Monday

Trash in context. Another rare Robin’s cup sighting. Nice morning. Light wind. Still cool. The sun makes its appearance. The morning sky Sam the snake today Trash in context A reason why you do not want a bus stop in front of your house.

The World – The Vaccine Passport Scam

 Sooo, the WHO’s own vaccine expert admitted that vaccine passports were always a scam.  This was know back in the summer of 2021 that vaccines did not stop virus transmission. Yet, governments went ahead with their Draconian measures anyway.  Why? Once again, money and control rears their ugly heads.  The transfer of billions of … Read more

Thunder Bay – Sunday

Nice looking morning. Still cold. ND filter provides motion blur in clouds and water surface. This looks nice. Nice The sun appears…behind some light clouds Mistake on the lake My first dandelion photo of the year Vape?    

Thunder Bay – Saturday

A cold morning.  Partly cloudy. Put the 10 stop ND filter on . I like that look A touch of colour out by the giant. The mistake on the lake These things are interesting looking.  Not sure what they started out as. Lots of stuff on this beach I was hoping the few clouds that … Read more

The World – Amidst Growing Resistance, the WHO Turns Up Heat on Members to Sign Pandemic Treaty

Amidst Growing Resistance, the WHO Turns Up Heat on Members to Sign Pandemic Treaty We formally reject WHO and any of these international organizations,’ Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said. A doctor holds a medical face mask with the World Health Organization’s flag. (kcube-Baytur/Shutterstock) As the deadline approaches for the 194 member nations of the World … Read more