Thunder Bay – Thursday

Another cool clear morning.  Not a cloud in sight.  All the colour there is going to be in the sky is along the horizon.

Anything worth taking a photo of is the lighthouse.  If you get in the right spot, the sun will rise behind the structure.

and so the day begins

The mistake on the lake this morning.

The surface of the water was mirror-like

A Northern Loon

There are POSs in this city that believe that Thunder Bay is one giant trash can.  There are trash cans in the downtown core.  As long as there are these POSs in this city, this city will never elevate itself above shithole status. No matter how hard the rest of the population try to make things better, this population of POSs will keep dragging it back down.  The sad part is that the taxpayers of the city of Thunder Bay, the province of Ontario and the country of Canada are supporting these POSs.

Trash in context near one of the downtown core’s trash cans.

Something going on here.  A water valve by the looks of it.

If the developer does not restart work on the site of the former Finnish Labour Temple this summer, then the City of Thunder Bay needs to take possession of the property and sell it to someone who will finish the work.  Build something.  This delay cannot go on for another year or two or three or four….

Thought I would take a photo of the mural on the side of the building where  the Nomad Bakery and Sandwich Bar was located before it is painted over.